Author: Sergi Bernad // Category:
My Friend is bisexual
Teri met a girl, that she is perfect, her name is Ruby.
Every day they stay together.
But the Teri's old friends keeping a secret and Ruby, too.
Ruby every day stay more more strange and one day Teri
ask Ruby "what is it?", and she answer..."I'm bisexual and I love you"
Teri don't like Ruby but she would is her friends.
One day Teri say to Ruby that She don't like, but I would is your friends..
And now They are friends.
New ticket if train is 15 minutes late

Rodalies, the local train, give a new ticket the customers if the train arrive 15 minutes late. This measure would increase six-fold the demand for puntuality.
The customers when arriving at their destination they must present their cancelled ticket to Renfe who will give the proof of delay and the passenger obtains a new ticket.
I’ve got a bike
The little town of Copake in upstate New York holds an annual Antique bicycle Auction.
Mike Fallon who runs the Auction told Speak up that the Auction started 16 years ago.He used to race motorcycles and collected antique motorcycles until he came across some people that had antique bicycles and wondered if they were sellable.
One year he got a set of high wheel bikes anand wondered if they were sellable.One year he got a set of high wheel bikes and started to sell them and that’s where he got the idea to sell antique bikes
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